One growing threat to the stability of the U.S. economy, and therefore to its capability to continue to direct the global order, paradoxically emerges from its success in establishing capitalism around the world.
Herbert Schillerhow can a democratic discourse exist in a corporate owned informational system? Who, for example, possesses freedom of speech in such a society?
Herbert SchillerPopular dissatisfaction seems to occur only when the shopping or the commercials are interrupted. In such an atmosphere, is there any reason to imagine that saturation shopping could be a source of instability to the U.S. world position?
Herbert SchillerBut revolutionary is not an acceptable term to those who benefit from, and deny at the same time, the savage exploitativeness of the social system.
Herbert SchillerThe content and forms of American communications-the myths and the means of transmitting them-are devoted to manipulation. When successfully employed, as they invariably are, the result is individual passivity, a state of inertia that precludes action.
Herbert SchillerThough some still see the Internet, for example, as a democratic structure for international individual expression, it is more realistic to recognize it as only the latest technological vehicle to be turned, sooner or later, to corporate advantage - for advertising, marketing and general corporate aggrandizement.
Herbert Schiller