We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides.
Ignatius of LoyolaFor those who love, nothing is too difficult, especially when it is done for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ignatius of LoyolaRemember that the good angels do what they can to preserve men from sin and obtain God's honor. But they do not lose courage when men fail.
Ignatius of LoyolaConcerning the harsh treatment of the body for our Lord's sake, I would say, avoid anything that would cause the shedding even of a drop of blood.
Ignatius of LoyolaAbove all, remember that God looks for solid virtues in us, such as patience, humility, obedience, abnegation of your own will - that is, the good will to serve Him and our neighbor in Him. His providence allows us other devotions only insofar as He sees that they are useful to us.
Ignatius of Loyola