Voshak's hair, a pale blond braid, which he bleached, was his trademark. It made him memorable. That's how the slavers operated. They adopted costumes and personas, trying to make themselves larger-than-life and hoping to inspire fear. They counted on that fear. One could fight a man, but nobody could fight a nightmare.
Ilona AndrewsAnd you expect me to commute two hours each way from the Keep to the Order." I kept my voice mild. "I suppose I won't be needing my job, my house, or my clothes anymore." "I didn't say that. Although let me get back to you on the clothes. It's still under consideration.
Ilona AndrewsI'm investigating people who sacrifice trained killers to dark gods. Perfect, it will keep him occupied. In what capacity? Bait.
Ilona Andrewsยซ Are you hungry, baby?โ Curran asked. โStarving.โ โI think we should go to dinner.โ โGreat idea.โ โWhat are you going to wear?โ โMy badass face.โ โGood choice,โ he said. ยป
Ilona Andrews