It depends. If I don't let you in, will you huff and puff and blow my house down?" She had no idea. "I'm more of a kick the door open and cut everyone inside to ribbons kind of wolf.
Ilona AndrewsI trusted her about as far as I could throw her. I was strong and she was small, but it still wasn't very far.
Ilona AndrewsI sighed and put Slayer between the front seats. "Stay here. Guard the car." Saiman shut the door. "Is the sword sentient?" "No. But I like to pretend it is.
Ilona AndrewsIf you don't explain it all to me, I might strangle somebody." Of course, Raphael might like that.
Ilona AndrewsYou said he was a soldier. You don't suppose...?" "Oh, Gods." Ignata blinked. "You think something could be wrong down there?" All of them looked at William, who chose this precise moment to slide the wet shirt back on his back, which required him to flex, raising his arms. "That would be a shame," Cerise murmured.
Ilona Andrews