No technological achievements can mitigate the disappointment of modern man, his loneliness, his feeling of inferiority, and his fear of war, revolution and terror. Not only has our generation lost faith in Providence but also in man himself, in his institutions and often in those who are nearest to him.
Isaac Bashevis SingerTo me the Yiddish language and the conduct of those who spoke it are identical.
Isaac Bashevis SingerThe very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect, between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual - when it begins to ignore the passions, the emotions - it becomes sterile, silly, and actually without substance.
Isaac Bashevis SingerWhat's the good of not believing? Today it's your wife you don't believe; tomorrow it's God Himself you won't take stock in.
Isaac Bashevis SingerNo doubt the world is entirely an imaginary world, but it is only once removed from the true world.
Isaac Bashevis SingerWhile the poet entertains he continues to search for eternal truths, for the essence of being. In his own fashion he tries to solve the riddle of time and change, to find an answer to suffering, to reveal love in the very abyss of cruelty and injustice. Strange as these words may sound I often play with the idea that when all the social theories collapse and wars and revolutions leave humanity in utter gloom, the poet--whom Plato banned from his Republic--may rise up to save us all.
Isaac Bashevis SingerVarious philosophers and religious leaders tried to convince their disciples and followers that animals are nothing more than machines without a soul, without feelings. However, anyone who has ever lived with an animal-be it a dog, a bird, or even a mouse-knows that this theory is a brazen lie, invented to justify cruelty.
Isaac Bashevis Singer