The Synthesis consists in assuming the Causes discovered and established as Principles, and by them explaining the Phรฆnomena proceeding from them, and proving the Explanations.
Isaac NewtonHis epitaph: Who, by vigor of mind almost divine, the motions and figures of the planets, the paths of comets, and the tides of the seas first demonstrated.
Isaac NewtonHe rules all things, not as the world soul but as the lord of all. And because of his dominion he is called Lord God Pantokrator". For โgod" is a relative word and has reference to servants, and godhood is the lordship of God, not over his own body "as is supposed by those for whom God is the world soul', but over servants.
Isaac NewtonOur present work sets forth mathematical principles of philosophy. For the basic problem of philosophy seems to be to discover the forces of nature from the phenomena of motions and then to demonstrate the other phenomena from these forces. It is to these ends that the general propositions in books 1 and 2 are directed, while in book 3 our explanation of the system of the world illustrates these propositions.
Isaac Newton