Let us resolve to talk more to believers about the Bible when we meet them. Alas, the conversation of Christians, when they do meet, is often sadly unprofitable! How many frivolous, and trifling, and uncharitable things are said! Let us bring out the Bible more, and it will help to drive the devil away, and keep our hearts in tune. Oh, that we may all strive so to walk together in this evil world; that Jesus may often draw near, and go with us, as He went with the two disciples journeying to Emmaus!
J. C. RyleThe true Christian does not need to be reminded that he has a crucified Master. He often thinks of Him.
J. C. RyleLet us seek friends that will stir up our prayers, our Bible reading, our use of time, and our salvation.
J. C. RyleImagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions.
J. C. Ryle