Howard was almost as fond of this hall as he was of his own shop. The Brownies used it on Tuesdays, and the Women's Institute on Wednesdays. It had hosted jumble sales and Jubilee celebrations, wedding receptions and wakes, and it smelled of all of these things: of stale clothes and coffee urns, and the ghosts of home-baked cakes and meat salads; of dust and human bodies; but primarily of aged wood and stone.
J. K. RowlingOr perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.
J. K. RowlingBecause to confide a part of your soul to something that can think and move for itself is obviously a very risky business.
J. K. RowlingI think it's alarming that people believe that success enables one to forget how life felt before. As if one could simply exchange one's values.
J. K. RowlingAs is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. I wish you all very good lives.
J. K. Rowling