As a conservative power, the United States has a vital interest in upholding and expanding the reign of law in international relations.
J. William FulbrightIsrael's shooting down of a civilian airplane and then the killing of 107 innocent peopel aboard, and their raid into neutral Lebanon are very dangerous developments. There's only one way I can see to stop for the United States to take a very strong stand that this has to be settled...politically settled.
J. William Fulbright"The making of peace is a continuing process that must go on from day to day, from year to year, so long as our civilization shall last."
J. William FulbrightThe essence of intercultural education is the acquisition of empathy-the ability to see the world as others see it, and to allow for the possibility that others may see something we have failed to see, or may see it more accurately. The simple purpose of the exchange to erode the culturally rooted mistrust that sets nations against one another. The exchange program is not a panacea but an avenue of hope.
J. William FulbrightLike medieval theologians we had a philosophy that explained everything to us in advance, and everything that did not fit could be readily identified as a fraud or a lie or an illusion... The perniciousness of the anti-Communist ideology of the Truman Doctrine arises not from any patent falsehood but from its distortion and simplification of reality, from its universalization and its elevation to the status of a revealed truth.
J. William Fulbright