a fool forgetting all the ideals and joys I knew before, in my recent years of drinking and disappointment, what does he care if he hasn't got any money: he doesn't need any money, all he needs is his rucksack with those little plastic bags of dried food and a good pair of shoes and off he goes and enjoys the privileges of a millionaire in surroundings like this.
Jack KerouacI wasn't scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost.
Jack KerouacI have all the time in the world from life to life to do what is to do, to do what is done, to do the timeless doing.
Jack KerouacWay far back in the beginning of the world was the whirlwind warning that we could all be blown away like chips and cry- Men with tired eyes realize it now, and wait to deform and decay- with maybe they have the power of love yet in their hearts just the same, I just don't know what that word means anymore- All I want is an ice cream cone
Jack Kerouac