Finding a way to extend forgiveness to ourselves is one of our most essential tasks. Just as others have been caught in suffering, so have we. If we look honestly at our life, we can see the sorrows and pain that have led to our own wrongdoing. In this we can finally extend forgiveness to ourselves; we can hold the pain we have caused in compassion. Without such mercy, we will live our own life in exile.
Jack KornfieldIn all practices and traditions of freedom, we find the heart's task to be quite simple. Life offers us just what it offers, and our task is to bow to it, to meet it with understanding and compassion.
Jack KornfieldWhen we have for so long been judged by everyone we meet, just to look into the eyes of another who does not judge us can be extraordinarily healing.
Jack KornfieldWithout being aware of it, you take many things as being your identity: your body, your race, your beliefs, your thoughts.
Jack Kornfield