A determination or an effect within a system which is no longer that of a presence but of a diffrance, a system that no longer tolerates the opposition of activity and passivity, nor that of cause and effect, or of indetermination and determination, etc., such that in designating consciousness as an effect or a determination, one continues - for strategic reasons that can be more or less lucidly deliberated and systematically calculated - to operate according to the lexicon of that which one is de-limiting.
Jacques DerridaIn a language, in the system of language, there are only differences. Therefore, a taxonomical operation an undertake the systematic, statistical, and classificatory inventory of a language.
Jacques DerridaI say things that contradict each other, that are in real tension with each other, that compose me, that make me live, and that will make me die.
Jacques DerridaNo one will ever know from what secret I am writing and the fact that I say so changes nothing.
Jacques Derrida