Your intelligence is so deeply entangled with the social identification that you have taken on, your brains are not working in line with the life within you; it is working against your own life. That is the source of misery.
Jaggi VasudevWhat we refer to as yoga is just a technology to make your energies function by choice, not by compulsion.
Jaggi VasudevTrying to change social, national, or global realities without working on human consciousness means there is no serious intention.
Jaggi VasudevI don't have opinions. Only if it is necessary for a particular action, I make a judgment. Opinions are fetters for your intelligence.
Jaggi VasudevAll thoughts are just junk. Essentially, they are coming from the limited experience of past. These thoughts are useful for your survival process. You've picked up some amount of information; you want to survive in the world; this information is useful. If you're looking at life itself, these thoughts are meaningless.
Jaggi Vasudev