You're a very odd man," said Bert. "I get that more often than you'd think," replied Charles.
James A. OwenI think that nonexistent mythological creature just broke some of your toes," Jack said. Oh, shut up," said Charles
James A. OwenYour ability to shape your destiny is directly proportional to your belief that it is a matter of will and determination--however much or little that belief may be.
James A. OwenIf you know something bad is coming, can't you plan to avoid it or try to do something differently?" said Charles. Probably", said the Cartographer, "but then the good events would have no flavor. The joy you find in life is paid for by suffering that comes later, just as sometimes, the suffering is redeemed by a joy unexpected. That's the trade that makes a life worth living.
James A. OwenLive deliberately. Decide: are you the kind of person things happen to, or the kind of person who makes things happen?
James A. OwenLike all the other arrivals to the tournament, Hank had erected a banner in front. It was a long, tapering pennant with a blue and red circular design in the center and the words GO CUBS! on both sides. Interesting," said Hugo. "What does it mean?" It was a gift from Sam," Hank explained as they entered the tent. "He said it used to represent Triumph over Adversity, but now better represents Impossible Quests and Lost Causes." I think I preferred not knowing that," said Hugo. Hank grinned. "You're a Sox fan too, hey?
James A. Owen