For extending its sway, partly by force of arms, partly by the voluntary submission of weaker tribes, the community soon acquires wealth and slaves, both of which, by relieving some classes from the perpetual struggle for a bare subsistence, afford them an opportunity of devoting themselves to that disinterested pursuit of knowledge which is the noblest and most powerful instrument to ameliorate the lot of man.
James G. FrazerEven the recognition of an individual whom we see every day is only possible as the result of an abstract idea of him formed by generalization from his appearances in the past.
James G. FrazerSome of the old laws of Israel are clearly savage taboos of a familiar type thinly disguised as commands of the Deity.
James G. FrazerIt is a common rule with primitive people not to waken a sleeper, because his soul is away and might not have time to get back.
James G. Frazer