A bank is a relationship. I can't desert you and expect to have a strong relationship afterward. If I told someone, "I know you've been buying milk from me and you need milk to survive. But the price is no longer $2 a gallon. It's going to be $40 a gallon. I'm going to bankrupt you." What do you guys think of me? You would hate us.
Jamie DimonOur global corporate investment bank competes with Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and a bunch of other banks that are in those businesses. We may have slightly different products or services, but so what? That's always been true in American business.
Jamie DimonWe've seen the volatility at dollar-yen, U.S. Treasurys, JGBs (Japanese government bonds), German bunds.
Jamie DimonI've asked our people, "Why don't we just put a revolver on top of our basic loan?" Make it easier for the client.
Jamie DimonMost CEOs are patriotic and most CEOs can see the problems in front of them, and they want to do something about it. We don't always agree about the ways and means, but the objective? We're totally together.
Jamie Dimon