I'm a disciplinarian. I'm the tough love pet owner. I believe in very well-behaved animals.
Jamie Lee CurtisI had the best time I ever had on a Jim Cameron movie - True Lies, 1994. It was the single most freeing experience as an actor I've ever had. And, of course, in the midst of it there was this humungous circus that he conceived.
Jamie Lee CurtisI believe that life is hard. That we all are going to walk through things that are hard and challenging, and yet advertising wants us to believe that it's all easy.
Jamie Lee CurtisThe media nowadays has given the message to adults. Don't try new things, don't look foolish because we will catch you and then broadcast it to the world. I think children don't have that.
Jamie Lee CurtisThe only two questions that need to be asked each day are: Did I live wisely? Did I love well?
Jamie Lee CurtisNowadays, when you make movies, you donโt need any lights at all. You have to remember, back in the day, the film stocks that they had were very, very insensitive and they would have these humongous lights and lighting was everything, so everyone looked good. Nowadays with digital film where you donโt need any light at all, you could shoot in the [bleep] dark. It makes people not look so good and it makes aging on film much, much harder.
Jamie Lee Curtis