If you don't recognize the racist element in the teabag movement, you're either dishonest, or you've never seen the teabag movement, or heard of it, or been acquainted with it in any way.
Janeane GarofaloPeople think that you are a nasty, selfish person if you don`t want to have children.
Janeane GarofaloMen are allowed to age. Men are allowed to gain weight. Men are allowed to be quirky looking.
Janeane GarofaloThere is no blacklist. In the first place, in the entertainment business, money talks, bullshit walks. So Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins won't be blacklisted because they are bankable stars. In the second place, if you are a woman, the only things you're going to be blacklisted for in Hollywood are body fat and aging.
Janeane Garofalo