Occasionally I do movies with other directors. I did 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' for Julian Schnabel. I did a movie with Jim Brooks ('How Do You Know'). I did a movie with Judd Apatow ('Funny People'). So I do get a chance to work with other people, which is always enjoyable, always pleasant. But still, Steven [Spielberg] makes the types of movies that I'm interested in as well.
Janusz KaminskiIf you take away 'Schindler's List' and 'Saving Private Ryan', I like 'Minority Report' a lot.
Janusz KaminskiI had very little involvement with 'TinTin'. Very little involvement. So I can't really elaborate on that either.
Janusz KaminskiI do like 'Munich'.It's a really wonderful film. I mean, there's 'Schindler's List', there's 'Saving Private Ryan'. But 'Munich' - of all the other films, Munich would be the one that's really, really amazing storytelling.
Janusz Kaminski