If you're just going to meet consumer or clients' demands, you might as well be a plumber - the work will be more frequently available.
Jay MaiselI want to go out as unprepared as possible so I can get filled up with what the world has to offer.
Jay MaiselRemember that most people (those who are not photographers) don't even see the things that you missed. Many don't even look. Ergo, you are way ahead of the game.
Jay Maisel... there's one of the great lies of all times, that computers save time. They don't. They're time suckers. So, I'm trying not to get involved in the Photoshop.
Jay MaiselYou have to pick the right tool for the point you're trying to make and there is no one solution.
Jay MaiselYou find that you have to do many things, more than just lift up the camera and shoot, and so you get involved in it in a very physical way. You may find that the picture you want to do can only be made from a certain place, and you're not there, so you have to physically go there. And that participation may spur you on to work harder on the thing, . . . because in the physical change of position you start seeing a whole different relationship.
Jay Maisel