Black musicians were either trying to be American or trying to play down their Caribbean roots.
Jazzie BI just think giving back is in tandem with the way in which I was raised, with the, 'It takes a village to raise a child' mentality. Sometimes with the knowledge you have, you just don't know how powerful it is. I think I'm in a reasonably interesting position to recognise that. Plus we're now living in a completely different time to the one in which I grew up in. Because of my peers as well, it's the whole reason I'm doing what I'm doing. In terms of putting things back into the community, it's almost like running my sound system again.
Jazzie BI listen to music every day and that is a fact. My son pointed out the other day that there's not a day that goes by without him listening to music in our house. I'm still an avid punter when it comes to either checking out bands or buying new music.
Jazzie BWhile we travel as much as we do; this city is still really unique to us in terms of how eclectic it is. There's the variation of pockets when you're travelling around London that you don't necessarily find in the centre, but I'm talking about the city as a whole. For us, the inseparable links to the arts, being innovative and creative in an area like this is very transient as well.
Jazzie BGrowing up with my brothers, I was like an accompanying mascot to them. The whole heritage and culture of soundsystems is all in my blood y'know? Then obviously from DJing, I just went onto building my own sound and producing my own music.
Jazzie BMy radio show is actually the conclusion to my week. Which means there'll be 20% of what's happened to me during those five days, on my show. If I don't do my radio show I actually feel lost! It's like the bookends - the beginning and the end of the week and the whole thing comes together. So for me it is important.
Jazzie B