Even in the days of the tightest credit in 2008, HELOCs [ home equity line of credit ] and home equity loans were being made.
Jean ChatzkySometimes a creditor is willingto do this as a bargaining point - you give the creditor cash in hand, it gives you a positive listing on your credit report - even though you haven't paid the full amount. Get this agreement in writing.
Jean ChatzkyYou'll get much better results by being upfront, answering creditors calls, and responding to their letters. Delaying the inevitable only digs a deeper hole.
Jean ChatzkyYou fall a bit behind on a credit card bill, your interest rate soars, your minimum payment rises, and you start falling more and more behind every month. You don't see an end. But you don't want to file bankruptcy either. What you can do - and should do - is negotiate.
Jean Chatzky