You need a clear, legitimate excuse for why you're behind [the bankruptcy], such as a layoff, divorce, or medical emergency. Be prepared to back up the circumstances with supporting documents. Anything you have to substantiate your story - including proof that you have, for instance, been actively looking for a new job - will help.
Jean ChatzkyIf you are, consolidating at a lower interest rate can help you pay off your debt faster. But if there's even a small chance that you'll spiral back into debt, it's not for you.
Jean ChatzkyGet your friends involved. Let your shopping buddies know that you're on a tight budget, and they can help you out when your willpower starts to weaken at the mall.
Jean ChatzkyRolling all of your debts into a single loan is a good idea - in theory. In fact, it can be a great idea.
Jean ChatzkyYou settled a debt instead of paying in full will stay on your credit report for as long as the individual accounts are reported, which is typically seven years from the date that the account was settled. Unlike with bankruptcy, there isn't a separate line on your credit report dedicated to debt settlement, so each account settled will be listed as a charge-off.
Jean Chatzky