The current state of knowledge is a moment in history, changing just as rapidly as the state of knowledge in the past has ever changed and, in many instances, more rapidly.
Jean PiagetTrue interest appears when the self identifies itself with ideas or objects, when it finds in them a means of expression and they become a necessary form of fuel for its activity.
Jean PiagetIn genetic epistemology, as in developmental psychology, too, there is never an absolute beginning.
Jean PiagetIf logic itself is created rather than being inborn, it follows that the first task of education is to form reasoning.
Jean PiagetWhen you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.
Jean PiagetThe principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done-men who are creative, inventive, and discovers. The second goal of education is to form minds which can be critical, can verify, and not accept everything they are offered.
Jean Piaget