The sh*t's gonna splatter, start buggin, yo..." Mencheres to Cat
A hysterical human? Who hadn't seen that before?
Revenge was the emptiest of emotions. Apparently it motivated people to do the stupidest things as well.
We boarded the plane after boxing our stakes and knives and taking them to a FedEx carrier, airport security being so strict nowadays. In the section marked 'contents', Bones filled out 'Tofu'. God, but he had a sick sense of humor sometimes.
You're not a woman," he said finally. "You're the Grim Reaper with red hair!
Your mum pounced on her and started sucking away. Would’ve been arousing if not for all the screaming.” “Ian,” Bones drew out warningly. He grinned. “You’re right. I was aroused anyway.