And in bed, deep inside the building, are all the headaches that won't go away. The failed kidneys, the rashes, the ragged-edged moles, the lumps on the breast, the coughs that have turned nasty. In the Marie Curie Ward on the fourth floor are the kids with cancer. Their bodies secretly and slowly being consumed. And then there's the mortuary, where the dead lie in refrigerated drawers with name tags on their feet.
Jenny DownhamDon't think you have to be good because you're the only one left. Be as bad as you like.
Jenny DownhamIt was strange how words meant something when they came out of your mouth. Inside your head they were safe and silent, but once they were outside, people grabbed hold of them.
Jenny DownhamI'm me and you're you, and all of them out there are them. And we're all so different and equally unimportant.
Jenny Downham