I'm a Slovak. And when I was growing up, I believed that I was Czechoslovakian because of what Russia did. They came in and took two separate countries - Slovakia and the Czech Republic - put them together as one.
Jesse VenturaIf I can get on the presidential ballot in all 50 states and be allowed into the debates, I'd not only run, I'd win.
Jesse VenturaGovernment's role should be only to keep the playing field level, and to work hand in hand with business on issues such as employment. But beyond this, to as great an extent as possible, it should get the hell out of the way.
Jesse Ventura...the priority of the Democrats and Republicans...is to preserve...power when [they have] it, and to gain power when [they do not]. [Their] collective priority...is to make sure that, together, they control the electoral process and under no circumstances allow an independent or third party to infringe on their exclusive franchise.
Jesse Ventura