I was a lot more critical of my body when it was probably pretty awesome. Why did I not ever wear jean shorts? That's so crazy. I was so skinny. I didn't have any cellulite what was I thinking? I was more willing to wear short skirts after I had my kids. I never wore them before. Ever. I was so self-conscious. Now I'm a lot more confident in my skin - because who cares? At the end of the day, it's so much time spent on something that really doesn't matter that much.
Jessica AlbaI don't need to be famous. I'm not that ambitious. At this point, if I'm not sucked in, I'm never going to get sucked in. Being the so-called hot girl, I disconnect from that. It's not that deep.
Jessica AlbaMy approach to wellbeing is to not be so critical and so hard on myself, and also to not think that I have to conform to other people's ideas of beauty, and to be okay with what made me feel good. I think it took me a while to get there.
Jessica Alba[On accepting travel suggestions from her two daughters, 6 and 3:] When they pay for the vacation, they get to dictate where we go.
Jessica AlbaLike many other moms out there, I try to buy safe products for my family, but that can't be the only solution. You can't hire a team of scientists to do your shopping for you. At some point the government has to step in and ensure that chemicals are safe before our children are exposed to them.
Jessica Alba