My support is particularly Bernie Sanders supporters but that's drawn many [Donald] Trump supporters to start with.
Jill SteinWhich is a real heads-up about what Hillary's [Clinton] agenda is. We've seen Hillary flip-flop, but she's had a pretty consistent track record. Which is that she has been a very good friend to the banks, received enormous support from them.
Jill SteinBy needlessly provoking him [Vladimir Putin] and humiliating him, we empower far worse possibilities in Russia.
Jill SteinBernie Sanders talked about except he focused mainly on infrastructure. We are talking about energy and food as part of that and public transportation as part of that infrastructure.
Jill SteinI feel like that is saying to young people, "You have no chance of ever getting out of debt in your life, right?" Personally, I think that the role of the press is to ensure that the American public understands who their choices are.
Jill SteinThe jobs that have come back have been extremely insecure low-wage benefit poor temporary jobs. Young people are screwed. They don't have a way to pay off their debt. And when they discover that they could come out and vote Green to cancel that debt, that I am the one candidate who will bail out the students like we bailed out the crooks on Wall Street, then it becomes an irresistible motivation to actually come out and vote Green.
Jill Stein