When you actually integrate the health savings from an improved food system, eliminating food deserts, ensuring that everyone can afford a healthy diet, that you don't have to be sort of a person of substantial means in order to have access to healthy food, there are remarkable health improvements.
Jill SteinDonald Trump business connections, which are really horrifying. I mean, they make Hillary Clinton look like small change when it comes to influence peddlin and really engaging the most nefarious forces around the world.
Jill Stein[Hillary Clinton'] transition director being Ken Salazar, I think, indicates that she will continue to be a friend to fracking. It's not possible to solve the climate crisis while we continue to expand fracking.
Jill SteinThis is where the question always come up, "Aren't you going to split the vote?" To which the obvious answer is: Well let's just rank peoples' choices. This is a voting system we use across the country, from San Francisco to Portland, Maine, and the Twin Cities. It's used very successfully in single-office elections like mayor. It could be used for governor.
Jill Stein