It's hard to think too hard about anything Donald Trump says because, you know, he will change his mind in the next hour, if not the next day, or whatever.
Jill SteinBy the time we complete the care for the wounded soldiers, $6 trillion, that's $50,000 per American household.
Jill SteinSo every time the Democratic Party appears to be lifting up a principled, people-powered agenda, it slaps it down and it keeps becoming more dominated by corporate money and corporatist, militarist policies.
Jill SteinI think it's a sign of a gotcha political system that's looking to take down public interest candidates that they make a big deal out of a comment to a parent concerned about the exposure of young children to Wi-Fi. Now it turns out that Wi-Fi is actually untested. A large study by the NIH [National Institutes of Health] released a month ago raised serious questions about whether kids ought to be exposed, whether young children ought to be exposed to Wi-Fi. And you know, I'm not saying they should or they shouldn't but that this should be studied. Absolutely it should be studied.
Jill Stein