One of the patients that really stands out for me was a middle-aged woman who actually had HIV in the early days, and helping her kind of come to terms with that. She had rather late-stage illness, but just helping her, sort of cope with the challenges of the disease and the infections and all that, but also her social issues, like, coming out to her family about the illness, and a very religious family.
Jill SteinSalazar, Ken Salazar, who is a big advocate for the TPP and for fracking. So, you know, since when have we learned to believe what Hillary Clinton says? And just because something has been adopted in the Democratic Party platform, you know, it's a voluntary platform so it has absolutely no traction. This was about trying to buy back the [Bernie] Sanders supporters.
Jill SteinBernie Sanders talked about except he focused mainly on infrastructure. We are talking about energy and food as part of that and public transportation as part of that infrastructure.
Jill SteinBecause Ajamu Baraka speaks in the language of his community, and makes no bones about it, he really invites in a whole new demographic of voters who have been locked out? - African-American and black and brown people and indigenous people? - who have felt like this system has no place for them. And he is unapologetic about standing up for the rights of the oppressed people and against colonialism and against imperialism.
Jill Stein