The recent AP poll that came out last month said that approximately 90% of the American people felt that the two-party system was failing us in the presidential election.
Jill Stein[Hillart Clinton] holds the illusion that we can make fossil fuel safe, and that they are safe, and she established an office for fracking. We know who she's taking the money from. We know who the Democratic Party is taking the money from.
Jill SteinThis is our right [to vote]. I urge people to come out. This hasn't - you know, the courts of law have refused to take this up in a just way. This needs to be decided in the court of public opinion.
Jill SteinThe public is really not kept abreast, and our leaders are not clear and forthright about what the terms of engagement are right now - that we really have no choice except to undertake a wartime scale mobilization, but a mobilization knowing that we can actually fix this. It's only a disaster if we continue to plunge headlong into the problem, which is only accelerating in spite of everything that the Democrats have been willing to say and do about it.
Jill Stein