Word is sort of spreading by itself, largely among young people. And if word gets out that young people can actually come out to the polls and, in fact, take over this election in order to liberate themselves from life-long debts, we could actually win.
Jill SteinThis is in a nutshell, this is what's wrong with our media, and we see that really played out full in this election [2016], where this is undoubtedly the most toxic election that we've had in - certainly in my lifetime.
Jill SteinI don't pretend to be able to do TV diagnosis, but I think the guy [Donald Trump] has a problem.
Jill SteinIf you look at the well-informed Democratic Sanders activists - I don't know if you were in Philadelphia, but there was no secret about their enthusiasm for our campaign. But once you got more remote from the super activists in the Bernie [Sanders] camp, they don't know so much about our campaign. And the question is whether they are going to have a chance to be informed.
Jill SteinThe most recent science including from Jim Hansen, the foremost climate scientist, suggests that we could see as much as, according to his study, meters' worth [of sea-level rise] - that is nine, 12, 15 and more - as soon as 50 years from his study.
Jill SteinWe have a deal. And so there's movement towards a peace agreement, you know, a peace accord, a cease-fire, which is great. That's fabulous. It's unfortunate that we're also bombing Syria together [with Russians], and in my view we need - what we need to do together is create a weapons embargo together and get all the parties with the program here, and also collaborate on a freeze on the bank accounts of those countries that continue to fund terrorist enterprises, the No. 1 source of that being the Saudis.
Jill SteinUnder Donald Trump, you know, we've seen the foundation of the Republican Party move into the Democratic Party, so Donald Trump, I think, will have a lot of trouble moving things through Congress.
Jill SteinDemocracy cannot function just on who do we fear the most, you know, or who do we hate the most; we need an affirmative agenda.
Jill SteinI think actually under scrutiny, Hillary's [Clinton] promotion of equal wages at poverty level and of healthcare for children but not for their families, of childcare when there are no jobs, it just doesn't cut it. I think women need a real agenda of justice because women are care-givers, because women are instruments of justice for our families and for our communities.
Jill SteinI think there are a lot of people who feel very passionate about needing to have an open debate. And I think it's a real sign of leadership that the press needs to be actually standing up for that.
Jill SteinThe climate is not tomorrow. The climate is a year off or maybe 10 years off. So we have to be really clear that we're solving the crisis of economic insecurity at the same time.
Jill SteinThe policies that Hillary [Clinton] advocates are going to be more of the same, whether you're looking at her cozy relationships with the banks, her refusal to support Glass-Steagall, her vagueness about what actually she's going to do about the control of the big banks.
Jill SteinThe problem [of climat changing] is only getting worse - that to me underscores that we need a transformative solution.
Jill SteinEveryday Americans really having the power here. People may remember, or you may have heard if you weren't there during the [Richard] Nixon years, we had one of the worst Presidents ever on record but we the American people have the sense of our own power. We were in the driver's seat.
Jill SteinWe, the people, gave the marching orders to our democratically-elected officials and instructed them. We wanted out of Vietnam and we got out of Vietnam. We wanted women's right to choose and we got women's right to choose. We got the EPA, we got the Clean Air Act, Water Act, we got rights for workers in the workplace to be protected from dangers. We accomplished pretty much all of what we wanted when we had the courage of our convictions. That is the missing ingredient.
Jill SteinThe anti-slavery parties were also called spoilers, including the Republican party that went on not just to abolish slavery but they actually take over the Presidency moving very quickly from third-party into the Presidency.
Jill SteinMany years ago I was part of a public health movement that raised concerns about the mercury in vaccines and about the heavy dose that infants get - used to. They don't anymore.
Jill SteinHe [Donald Trump] is like - he's a magnet for crime and extortion and, you know, just really criminal investments which are extremely dangerous.
Jill SteinThat is potentially putting us all in the target hairs now is the reactivation of a new nuclear arms race. This arms race and this cold war is potentially hotter than it's been at any time in my lifetime.
Jill SteinSo every time the Democratic Party appears to be lifting up a principled, people-powered agenda, it slaps it down and it keeps becoming more dominated by corporate money and corporatist, militarist policies.
Jill SteinI came from a very comfortable, middle-class family living in Highland Park, Illinois.Really growing up in a Jewish community with a fabulous public school.
Jill SteinBernie Sanders had public support behind him that outstripped... in head-to-head polling, Bernie Sanders was ahead of all the other competition. This is a progressive agenda that the American people embrace every time they have something to say about it.
Jill SteinMy running mate, Ajamu Baraka, was out camping out with the homeless in Baltimore . We were both recently at the Standing Rock Sioux encampment where in fact we are both now, a warrant is out for our arrest for participating in civil disobedience to support this very critical stand being taken on behalf of our water, on behalf of human rights, on behalf of our climate.
Jill SteinWe had all the advantages of being in, you know, the '50s and the '60s, where a one-income household could actually support a family. And mom was around and wanted nothing more than to just, you know, do everything she could for her kids.
Jill SteinFor me, the overarching issue here is that we need regulatory agencies that are standing up for us, that do not have a revolving door between, you know, Monsanto, and then suddenly Monsanto lobbyists are in charge of, you know, telling us whether GMOs are, you know, good for our food or not.
Jill SteinThe next Wall Street crash is just around the corner. The meltdown of the climate is coming. The wolves are at the door, all kinds of them. We need to stand up and provide the solutions that are there, that are affordable.
Jill SteinEspecially without coverage, we have made it to 4, 5, 6% in the polls just on the power of the public interest out there from Americans who feel like they've been thrown under the bus by the two conventional parties.
Jill SteinWe need to have real science, and real science doesn't happen under the hand of lobbyists with a conflict of interest. So get the revolving door done and over with and get the big money out of politics.
Jill SteinWhen you actually integrate the health savings from an improved food system, eliminating food deserts, ensuring that everyone can afford a healthy diet, that you don't have to be sort of a person of substantial means in order to have access to healthy food, there are remarkable health improvements.
Jill SteinI think it's extremely valuable for us to be able to have a conversation in more than one dialect, speaking to more than one demographic here, finding our common ground, and having a very frank discussion about race, for one thing, which is where he is most hard-hitting, race, and the issues of human rights.
Jill SteinIt's not a matter of just what we don't like and who we are most afraid of. We need an affirmative agenda if we're going to move forward as a democracy.
Jill SteinIt takes truth, and it takes speaking truth to power, but because the stranglehold is so tight it seems to take something else - a real political threat.
Jill SteinWhile she [Hillary Clinton] may have a - give lip service to progressive issues, she led the charge, and there she definitely did, in Haiti, to push down the minimum wage from 60 cents an hour down to 40 cents an hour. She, you know, has been the good friend of the big banks forever, and the insurance companies.
Jill SteinThere are other forms of community-based decision-making, not unlike, you know, our elected bodies, except that the intention here is to exclude pay-to-play players from determining how these decisions are made.
Jill SteinAll the more reason we need to stand up for our democracy now. If we're going to solve the crises that are barreling down on us, we need democracy, and our democracy needs to start with an open and inclusive debate. That doesn't mean 20 candidates. There are four candidates who are on the ballot for just about every voter in America.
Jill SteinIs such an alliance helpful to us in this day and age? Are we creating a cold war in order to justify NATO?
Jill SteinIn the meantime, we have just incredible economic disparities and economic despair in this country and an entire generation that is basically held hostage in debt without the jobs to get out of it. And this is not a world that's working for us, and the climate is going up in flames right now, and the wars are expanding, and we've got 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert. This is not a good picture, and I think the American people are discovering that.
Jill Stein[The Democracy Party] did it to Dennis Kucinich.They certainly did it to Bernie, as we saw in the e-mails. They did it to Howard Dean, the "Dean Scream." Jesse Jackson, another kind of PR smear campaign.Meanwhile, the party keeps marching to the right and becomes more corporatist and elitist and imperialist.
Jill Stein