What this is about is hopefully an opportunity for me to help pave the way for my future in terms of getting financially choosier. You have to plan the windfall as if it'll be your only one.
Jim ParsonsMy choices in projects have all been character or role-based, and on a financial level, it's obvious: as an actor on a TV series, I get a wonderful paycheck, and a consistent paycheck, which doesn't always happen when you're doing theater or movies.
Jim ParsonsI did have a Twitter account that I tried for a couple days, but found I had nothing to say. There are some interesting facts I could share, but I don't want to share that part of myself.
Jim ParsonsYou can look at the Emmys two ways in you're nominated. It's either win-win or lose-lose. If things go very well and I win, you still have to get up in front of a group of people and risk having God knows what come out of your mouth. If you won't win, you have to breathe deeply and smile and clap with a camera in your face.
Jim ParsonsI didn't have an imaginary childhood friend, but I did one day imagine somehow tiny green men, and they were only tiny and green because my brother had a ton of toy soldier toys that came on a skateboard plank type of thing, and I just envisioned in this car driving to church with my mom, they were there.
Jim Parsons