Cena, love him or not, connects with the ticket buying public better than any one in the biz. End of story.
Jim RossIf there was a Mount Rushmore for pro wrestling cities, Chicago and New York would be on there. After that, it's debatable.
Jim RossIs there a better wrestling villain on TV these days than CM Punk? Arguable question but for my sauce, Punk is right there at the top of the heap with a handful of his peers.
Jim RossAs long as any pro wrestling we see on the TV screen doesn't insult my intelligence and can continually use common sense, basic logic and the presentation, I am pretty cool with it.
Jim RossCutting to the chase, I don't see Sting in WWE any time soon and especially not in the ring vs. the Undertaker in the Georgia Dome. I do think that Sting would be well served to explore potential marketing opportunities with WWE especially considering that all his 'greatest hits' which were in WCW are now owned by WWE.
Jim Ross