I think heroes are important in the lives of kids because it shows a child what to become, it shows a child what's possible; it shows a child not just by theory but by active example.
John AssarafIt is said that it takes 10,000 hours to develop mastery and excellence. How many hours have you clocked today on your passion?
John AssarafYou can choose right now to change the way you are experiencing a windstorm. Adjust your sails.
John AssarafThere is a Greek word that is called "Praxis" and that means the integration of your beliefs with your behavior.
John AssarafChildren have a ton of mirror neurons when they are babies and kids and they mimic what they see and so heroes are important because we are watching these heroes make a difference in these peoples lives and sacrificing their lives in some cases and I think it is really important to know that it is not just about us but about the community.
John Assaraf