Within the decade, Microsoft should have a minimum of 300 stores. They should do as well as the Apple Stores... [Microsoft] is going to experiment with holiday pop-up shops this year in various cities. I predict they will be hugely successful.
John C. DvorakThe stock market goes nuts over any company that so much as mentions the word Internet. All this proves to me is that the boneheads on Wall Street are as dumb as they were in college when they had to switch their majors to business to keep from flunking out.
John C. DvorakMicrosoft fears Intel is eventually going to create its own operating system and optimize its chips for its own OS, cutting Microsoft out of the picture. Kind of like what Microsoft allegedly does to people who write applications for Windows.
John C. DvorakApple should pull the plug on the iPhone... What Apple risks here is its reputation as a hot company that can do no wrong. If it's smart it will call the iPhone a 'reference design' and pass it to some suckers to build with someone else's marketing budget. Then it can wash its hands of any marketplace failures... Otherwise I'd advise people to cover their eyes. You are not going to like what you'll see.
John C. Dvorak