I believe that the community's duty to education is, therefore, its paramount moral duty. By law and punishment, by social agitation and discussion, society can regulate and form itself in a more or less haphazard and chance way. But through education society can formulate its own purposes, can organize its own means and resources, and thus shape itself with definiteness and economy in the direction in which it wishes to move.
John DeweyArt is not the possession of the few who are recognized writers, painters, musicians; it is the authentic expression of any and all individuality.
John DeweyThe path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs. Self-conceit often regards it as a sign of weakness to admit that a belief to which we have once committed ourselves is wrong. We get so identified with an idea that it is literally a pet notion and we rise to its defense and stop our eyes and ears to anything different.
John DeweyEvery living being needs continually renewed, and education is simply the chief process by which renewal occurs.
John DeweyA child may have to be snatched with roughness away from a fire so that he shall not be burnt.
John Dewey