We landed, in fact, parallel to a canal, like there were two runways: one for us and one for waterfowl.
John GreenHe wanted to draw out the moment before the moment- because as good as kissing feels, nothing feels as good as the anticipation of it.
John GreenIn retrospect Hank I don't know why I spent four years writing this book when I could have just made a hit sing-a-ma-jig album.
John GreenGetting you a date to prom is so hard that the hypothetical idea itself is used to cut diamonds.
John GreenAll the characters are made out of words. With reading, I understand that the people aren't real but the fact that they are made out of language and are made out of words is extremely powerful to me. It becomes transformative for me. Different people have different ways of trying to make stories using language.
John Green