Before writing a single note of music, and even before the spotting session, I find it best to sit down with the director and just listen to him or her talk about the film - what they're trying to say, what they want the audience to understand or believe, and a thousand other similar questions. The director has most likely been living with the film for years before a composer is attached, and so the director's inclinations, desires, and understanding of the film are paramount.
John KeltonicOther than a few years of piano as a kid, I don't have all that much musical training. I played piano for all the musicals in high school and was in a few bands, but never really considered music as a viable career until I was in college.
John KeltonicNo matter how many scores I've written, the next project will hopefully be completely different. As hard as it is, I'm always trying to stay fresh, not repeat myself, and come up with original musical ideas and ways of scoring.
John KeltonicI've been a full-time composer for many years, and I'm still learning all the time. There is always more than one musical "solution" to each movie scene, but my goal is to compose music that works perfectly for the director, and me!
John Keltonic