If there is something a coach might wish to see changed in a player or team, the first place to check and see if it could not be done better is in yourself.
John KesselYou must allow your players to become the athletes they can be. Don't make them into anything just to become the kind of winners fans, friends and others think they must be.
John KesselThere is nothing less important in life than the score after one game of a two out of three game match.
John KesselYou cannot turn your winning attitude on when you think you 'need it.' You must work on it every day, every practice, every match - win or lose. Focus on playing to win, not playing to lose, for there is a season of difference between the two.
John KesselYou can be harsh on your players and still coach, but it is easier when you are kind to them.
John KesselIt's hard for these athletes to stay healthy. They are constantly being bombarded with unhealthy advertising. Peer pressure can override the body's demand for health. Being healthy goes beyond 'not being sick' (where all lab reports indicate health), to feeling optimistic, energetic, strong and happy with their bodies. Teaching them to take charge of their bodies is a job of coaching. Help them gain discipline in conditioning, nutrition and attitude/emotional control.
John Kessel