I'd turn off the internet for a month and make us actually talk to each other, and be responsible for your opinions and not be able to hide behind the anonymity of the cyber-wall to speak your mind. To actually have to face people and see their reactions and discuss it - actually discuss it. It won't happen. Unless the grid goes down.
John LarroquetteSamuel Beckett is the person that I read the most of - certainly the person whose books I own the most of. Probably 800 or 900, maybe 1,000 books of just Samuel Beckett. By him, about him, in different languages, etc. etc. Notebooks of his, letters of his that I own, personal letters - not to me, but I bought a bunch of correspondence of his. I love his humor, and I'm always blown away by his syntax and his ideas. So I keep reading those.
John LarroquetteI'd like to be doing quality acting in a quality role and making as many people as possible happy.
John LarroquetteI certainly don't take life lightly. To respect the product that you're using, I think, is very important. I think it does connect you a little bit more.
John LarroquetteI wrote as a teenager, and once I started acting, you know, you're learning lines, you're doing other people's words, it takes up a lot of time. Especially if you're dedicated to what you're doing, you're trying to do a decent job at it. But I would have said to myself, "Write more, please."
John Larroquette