A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. C. S. LEWIS, Out of the Silent Planet True pleasures are paid for in advance; false pleasures afterwards, with heavy and compound interest.
John LubbockThe veil is slowly rising, but as regards innumerable questions we must be content to remain in ignorance.
John LubbockLife is a great gift, and as we reach years of discretion, most of us naturally ask ourselves what should be the main object of our existence.
John LubbockSavages have often been likened to children, and the comparison is not only correct but also highly instructive. Many naturalists consider that the early condition of the individual indicates that of the race,-that the best test of the affinities of a species are the stages through which it passes. So also it is in the case of man; the life of each individual is an epitome of the history of the race, and the gradual development of the child illustrates that of the species.
John Lubbock