[ Oval House] director, Peter Oliver, gave you the right to fail. He had a philosophy that came from Winston Churchill that you go from failure to failure with enthusiasm. So Peter gave us a go and that's how Ray [Hassett] and I ended up starting Sal's Meat Market at the Oval House.
John RatzenbergerI look at the calendar. If it's a nice place, I go, like I did in London when it came to choosing to do a film. I always choose the best locations. New Orleans. That's fun. I'm available. Let's go.
John Ratzenberger[At Conventions] they give me all the photos to sign. Star Wars, Superman. And Hammy the Pig is right up there.
John RatzenbergerIt appalls me that the people who decide what Americans will be watching on the tube have never been to the United States. Not the real United States.
John Ratzenberger