Twas an unhappy Division that has been made between Faith and Works; though in my Intellect I may divide them, just as in the Candle I know there is both Light and Heat. But yet, put out the Candle, and they are both gone.
John SeldenThe clergy would have us believe them against our own reason, as the woman would have her husband against his own eyes.
John SeldenTo preach long, loud, and Damnation, is the way to be cried up. We love a man that damns us, and we run after him again to save us.
John SeldenCeremony keeps up things: 'tis like a penny glass to a rich spirit, or some excellent water; without it the water were spilt, and the spirit lost.
John SeldenHe that has not religion to govern his morality, is not a dram better than my mastiff-dog; so long as you stroke him, and please him, and do not pinch him, he will play with you as finely as may be, he is a very good moral mastiff; but if you hurt him, he will fly in your face, and tear out your throat.
John Selden