Pleasures are all alike simply considered in themselves: he that hunts, or he that governs the commonwealth, they both please themselves alike, only we commend that, whereby we ourselves receive some benefit.
John SeldenHe that hath a scrupulous conscience is like a horse that is not well weighed; he starts at every bird that flies out of the hedge.
John SeldenTo preach long, loud, and Damnation, is the way to be cried up. We love a man that damns us, and we run after him again to save us.
John SeldenPrayer should be short, without giving God Almighty reasons why He should grant this or that; He knows best wheat is good for us. If your boy should ask you for a suit of clothes and give you reasons, would you endure it? You know his needs better than he; let him ask for a suit of clothes.
John Selden