I don't dig beneath the surface for things that don't appear before my own eyes.
John Singer SargentImpressionism' was the name given to a certain form of observation when Monet, not content with using his eyes to see what things were or what they looked like as everybody had done before him, turned his attention to noting what took place on his own retina (as an oculist would test his own vision).
John Singer SargentAn artist painting a picture should have at his side a man with a club to hit him over the head when the picture is finished.
John Singer SargentI hate to paint portraits! I hope never to paint another portrait in my life. Portraiture may be all right for a man in his youth, but after forty I believe that manual dexterity deserts one, and, besides, the color-sense is less acute. Youth can better stand the exactions of a personal kind that are inseparable from portraiture. I have had enough of it.
John Singer Sargent