People vomitied at my movies; not because of the movie but because they were drunk. I took credit anyway.
John WatersWhat happened is that in the middle of my life I went away and in my own sense of hubris, pride, cynicism, thought, I am an autonomous being in the world, I can control things, I am God.' But my experiment at being God failed! And they do have a great saying in AA: 'Get down off the cross, we need the wood!' And the important thing is to realise you are not the centre of the universe, you are not God.
John WatersI make independent movies. I don't know how to do anything else. I don't know any other job that I could really get.
John WatersI care about the presidential elections. I always vote. Sometimes I've voted more than once, illegally. But you can't anymore. The picture ID has ruined everything.
John Waters