The general feeling is, if you don't treat everyone the same you're showing partiality. To me, that's when you show the most partiality, when you treat everyone the same. You must give each individual the treatment that you feel he earns and deserves, recognizing at all times that you're imperfect and you're going to be incorrect oftentimes in your judgment.
John WoodenAbility may get you to the top, nut it takes chracter to keep you there - mental, moral, and physical.
John WoodenAll that matters is the pressure you put on yourself. External pressures cause people to choke. While you can't control what happens to you, you can control how you react.
John WoodenHow many of us have conflicts with someone else- and how many of us pray for that person? We have individuals with whom we are competitive, or whom we dislike or have a quarrel with; but very few of us have true enemies in the martial sense. And yet if Lincoln could pray fervently- and contemporary reports indicate he did- for the people who were opposing him, how much more can we do for someone we just find a little irritating?
John Wooden